Target Audience: Rainbow User [Bubble Organizer] Related Offer: Enterprise
As a Bubble Organizer, you can create an audio/video conference (WebRTC) up to 10 attendees from a Bubble. The bubble organizer may even invite external members to join their conference (Learn more here).
NOTE: Even though all clients (Web/Desktop, iOS, Android) may join an audio/video conference, these conferences cannot be recorded.
Go to your "Bubbles" pages and click on the tab "My Bubbles" to select the Bubble within which you wish to hold a conference.
Click on the icon located at the right of the Bubble's line to start a conference. All members of this Bubble are simultaneously being called.
Once they have answered, their status in the "participant list" change from green (Online) to red (Busy).
As the Bubble organizer, you may turn off the microphone of each of your Bubble participants or hang up with any of them.
Besides, a series of icons is available below your avatars to "Turn off your microphone," "Add video media," "Share your screen" or "End the meeting." A list of icons is presented at the end of this article.
When the conference is over, information (status of the conference, duration, timestamp) is displayed at the end of your Bubble conversation wall.
How to Hold an Audio/Video Conference?
Go to your "Bubbles" page by clicking on the icon in the lower banner of your screen and select the tab "My bubbles." Choose one of your Bubbles and open it.
Click on the white telephone icon located in the top right corner of your screen to start a conference with your bubble's participants.
When the conference starts, a dedicated page is displayed. You may see the name of your Bubble at the top of your screen. If you want to go back to your Bubble information, click on the white "R" icon in the top left corner of your screen.
As you can see, all bubble participants are busy (Red dot).
As a Bubble organizer, you may mute or hang up with any participant. Simply click on the Bubble participant to display these options.
To go back to the meeting screen, click on the top green banner "Call in progress."
When you decide to end the conference, read the pop-up message saying that all Bubble members will be disconnected before clicking on "End meeting."
Information (duration, date, timestamp) is displayed on your conversation wall.
How to Hold an Audio/Video Conference?
Go to your "Bubbles" page by clicking on the icon in the lower banner of your screen and select the tab "My bubbles." Choose one of your Bubbles and open it.
Click on the white telephone icon located in the top right corner of your screen to start a conference with your bubble's participants.
When the conference starts, a dedicated page is displayed. You may see the name of your Bubble at the top of your screen. If you want to go back to your Bubble information, click on the white arrow in the top left corner of your screen.
If you want to go back to the conference page, click on the white phone icon in the top right corner of your screen.
Click on the tab "PARTICIPANTS" to display the conference information. Notice that the meeting activity is informed at the bottom of your screen.
As a Bubble organizer, you may interfere with this meeting activity. If you click on the banner of one participant, two icons appear. The microphone allows you to mute this participant's mic and the telephone hang up with this contact.
When you decide to end the conference, read the pop-up message saying that all Bubble members will be disconnected before clicking on "End meeting."
Information (duration, date, timestamp) is displayed on your conversation wall.
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