Bug fixes:
Bug fixes:
Important: This release is intended to be used as a patch to resolve the DTMF issue. Do not install this release if you are using SIP encryption between PBX and the WebRTC gateway. Due to this restriction, this release will not be available for remote update and must be downloaded from MyPortal.
Bug fixes:
- Reconnection mechanism improved.
- Serviceability :
- Logs management improved.
- mpsystem, mpcheck commands reworked and enhanced.
Bug fixes:
New feature:
- Bug fixes :
- Fixed issues of call cuts after a few minutes
- Fixed issue of missing call notification on Rainbow Client
- Fixed issue when setting up a Zero Touch configuration with OXO
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- enhanced portal logs for R&D support purposes
Bug fixes:
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- rework of mpsystem
Bug fixes:
Bug fixes:
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed problems of randomly missing audio (both and one way) for incoming and outgoing calls.
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- Added new command mphalt to power off the WebRTC gateway
- Added new command mpsystem to display system status (CPU type/usage, RAM size/free, etc...)
- Bug fixes:
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- new WRTRANGE and SIPRANGE ports range options for mpconfig.
mpconfig --WRTRANGE=20000-29999 for WebRTC ports range.
mpconfig --SIPRANGE=30000-39999 for SIP ports range.
- add VirtIO disk block device support.
- mpcheck DNS tests reworked.
- mpcheck test only relevant port on media via proxy.
- set default log level to info instead of verbose.
- reformat janus MOS audio ticket.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed no audio issue when the proxy is also used for media over proxy (mpmproxy = on).
- Fixed call establishment issues (occurred after a crash of janus, solved with janus version 0.10.10).
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- WebRTC gateway on Hyper-V is now officially supported, see the README.txt file in the WebRTC gateway zip package for installation procedure.
- Bug fixes:
- Solved mpcheck issue for TURN server connectivity check.
- Better anonymised logs regarding internal server connection credential.
- Solved some audio issues in case of SIP encryption
- Solved call cuts after some time (more or less 50min); related to Janus crashes that have been corrected.
- Fixed issue on GEOIP check in mpcheck.
- Removed turn_server=turn-eu1.openrainbow.com and replaced by TURNSERVER=GEOIP in shell history.
- Fixed mpcheck issue when proxy is used.
- Fixed issue of log file rotation of syslog which was only writing writing logs into the file syslog.1.
- Solved random lost of VoIP services with implementation of a xmpp ping keepalive mechanism.
- Solved connection issue when FQDN is used for the proxy configuration.
- Fixed Linux security issue CVE-2021-3156.
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- janus meetecho base upgraded to 0.10.4.
- add TURN servers TTL check and self test at startup.
- add SIP test to mpstc (module for stun/sip/ntp/Rainbow server reachability test).
- implementation of SIP/TLS SRTP WebRTC gateway connected to OXE.
- add xmpp ping keepalive mechanism.
- Bug fixes:
in case of OXE with spatial redundancy use mpconfig --SSIP=IP_1_OF_PBX,IP_2_OF_PBX
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue WebRTC gateway connection KO after upgrade to 1.75.3 when using proxy.
- Fixed issue TURN server IP address is used instead of FQDN when mpmproxy is used for media over proxy.
- Enhancements:
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue one way audio when PBX codec is OPUS (OXO Connect Evolution).
- Fixed issues on SRTP (OXE -WebRTC gateway); SIP-TLS signaling and handling of 2 audio media lines in SDP.
- Fixed audio loss and call cut on Android.
- Fixed issue changing the IP address of the WebRTC gateway was not taken into account (SIP domain and configuration file were not updated).
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- component upgrade janus to 0.8.2.
- component upgrade libnice to current master
- component update nodejs 8 dependencies.
- Enhancements:
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue user registration lost after internal error (missing call notification).
- Fixed authentication error message in mpstatus after upgrade to 1.74.10.
- Fixed Network card not recognized on NUC8BEH.
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- ensure media proxy cleanup when disabling proxy.
- cleanup portal /tmp files at service start and stop.
- added command mpcleanlog to clean deamon and syslog log files in case logrotate didn't work correctly (issue is that all deamon and syslog logs are written into the files deamon.1 and syslog.1 instead of creating new files as defined by logrotate).
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed call cuts trying to communicate with an Android in bad network coverage environment. The same mechanism of "renegotiation" fixes this issue.
- Fixed issue about missing call notification on mobile client due to process crash and unregistered devices.
- Fixed some audio loss issue during web conference.
- Fixed some mpchek STUN/TURN test issues.
- Serviceability improvements and enhancements:
- regular retry to update the turn server list in case of potential failure.
- SIP register sessions are now stored into the WebRTC gateway. Improves VoIP feature recovery in case of WebRTC gateway restart.
- Add VM hypervisor type in case of VM.
- Grub boot workaround when no screen is connected. The state of connected / disconnected screen is available through the command mpcollect.
- Serviceability improvements and bug fixes:
- Some call cuts issues have been fixed.
- mpcheck STUN/TURN tests have been reworked.
- Serviceability improvements and bug fixes.
- Coming soon new feature to avoid ringing a disconnected device.
(for OmniPCX Enterprise only and requires a specific OmniPCX Enterprise version, availability of this version will be announced when released.)
mpconfig --RINGINGAUTO=[true|false].
true (default value): Ringback tone is played when calling a disconnected device.
false: The call will be hung up when a disconnected device is called.
- Serviceability improvements and bug fixes.
- Geolocalization for TURN servers (mpconfig --TURN_SERVER=GEOIP).
- LOGLEVEL set to verbose at upgrade time.
- Security patch CVE-2019-11477.
- Serviceability improvements and bug fixes.
- WebRTC gateway can now be connected to an OXO Connect or OXO Connect evolution that is networked with another PBX.
- Improvements to the option to send media streams through proxy.
- serviceability improvements and bug fixes.
- added option to send also media streams through proxy (mpmproxy on|off).
- serviceability improvements and bug fixes.
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