iOS | RainbowSDK 2.7.0
Can you start providing proper changelog when you are doing changes which are not only bugfixes how you mentioned in your changelog?
You have change API for CallLogs but you are not worried about to mention this?
There is no more array of CallLogs in CallLogService, also you renamed numberOfUnreadCallLogs and event
its not triggered at all. How to obtain call logs in 2.7.0 API?
We're sorry the CallLogs API changes documentation didn't get in for 2.7.0 API release but it has been added since then in the changelog file and this will be released soon with the next API version. Here is the relevant information:
**_API Changes_**
- In CallLogsService:
- Property `totalNbOfUnreadCallLogs` has been renamed to `numberOfUnreadCallLogs`
- Property `callLogs` is no more public, use `getAllCallLogs` method instead. This method will fetch call logs if necessary
- New method `getUnreadCallLogs` has been addedYou may also check the on-line API documentation that is generated from the released code, it should be up to date, here is the documentation concerning the CallLogsService:
even on this link docs is not up to date. Many constants are missing there (e.g. not single one for conversation). New functionality like Task list is not included there.
And still not able to get any call logs in 2.7.0. New properties just returning empty arrays. And does not triggering any notifications.
New functionalities like Tasks are not opened to CPaaS at the beginning, at first they are checked in the mainstream iOS client to make sure all is ok then they are documented and usable in CPaaS applications.
The documentation extracted from the code is fixed and updated almost on every SDK release, constants for conversation should be documented soon.
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