
iOS | Incoming Voip Push Handled


3 Kommentare

  • Vladimir VYSKOCIL


    This method is used to report incoming call to CallKit, it seems this is all handled in the SDK and this method seems not be called in the application code.

    Regarding the last point I know we also had about the same issues with ringing not stopping, I'll ask the team how it was handled.

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  • Patrik Spisak

    Application time to time crash with

    PushKit - [PKPushRegistry _terminateAppIfThereAreUnhandledVoIPPushes]

    I believe this is handled in SDK, can you take a look ? 

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  • Vladimir VYSKOCIL

    Hi Patrik Spisak,

    Yes this should be handled in the SDK, may you please also send me logs for this issue ?

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