
Rainbow Hub - Pick up groups


3 Kommentare


    Hi Luke,

    yes you are right. Pickup group is a feature currently supported with OXE. Currently not implemented in Rainbow hub.

    I hope it will be developed in future releases. If it is going to be implemented there will be a official announcement in or Rainbow support site.

    Thank you.


    Ajith (Rainbow support team) 


    Aktionen für Kommentare Permalink
  • Stefan DEBRODT

    Hello Rainbow team,

    i fully agree with the post of Gary, with the latest version, Rainbow runs very stable and is largely a complete replacement for a desktop phone, only call pickup is missing!

    So, rainbow team please put the pickup  group on your agenda!







    Aktionen für Kommentare Permalink
  • Gary LUKE

    Hi ALE, because of this feature missing the customer has cancelled, after 6 months their RBH and has gone to a 3CX system.

    a 120 user customer, lost to ALE forwever. Please take these things seriously 

    Sureley ALE should thae this seriously, there seems to be a very lax attitude to resseller and the customers.

    A really poor attitude regarding adding features, not just this one but others

    Looking at other requests it looks like most are ignored, i hope i am wrong

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