connection problem
BeantwortetHello, I started to read and test the code of the documentation, I tested the part to connect to Rainbow production platform but I have error messages can you help me to solve this problem please.
/* Wait for the page is completely loaded */
$(function() {
console.log("[DEMO] :: Rainbow Application started!");
var applicationID = "",
applicationSecret = "";
/* Bootstrap the SDK */
angular.bootstrap(document, ["sdk"]).get("rainbowSDK");
/* Callback for handling the event 'RAINBOW_ONREADY' */
var onReady = function onReady() {
var myRainbowLogin = "my login"; // Replace by your login
var myRainbowPassword = "my psw"; // Replace by your password
// The SDK for Web is ready to be used, so you can sign in
rainbowSDK.connection.signin(myRainbowLogin, myRainbowPassword)
.then(function(account) {
console.log("[DEMO] :: connexion réussie :)");
.catch(function(err) {
console.log("[DEMO] :: connexion échouée :(");
/* Callback for handling the event 'RAINBOW_ONCONNECTIONSTATECHANGED' */
var onLoaded = function onLoaded() {
console.log("[DEMO] :: On SDK Loaded !");
rainbowSDK.initialize(applicationID, applicationSecret).then(function() {
console.log("[DEMO] :: Rainbow SDK is initialized!");
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("[DEMO] :: Something went wrong with the SDK...", err);
/* Listen to the SDK event RAINBOW_ONREADY */
$(document).on(rainbowSDK.RAINBOW_ONREADY, onReady);
/* Listen to the SDK event RAINBOW_ONLOADED */
$(document).on(rainbowSDK.RAINBOW_ONLOADED, onLoaded);
/* Load the SDK */
Offizieller Kommentar
Hi, these "errors" are not really errors.
As you see the
[DEMO] :: connexion réussie :)
this means, it's OK, you are logged in well (in French :) )
The GET of the banner is a missing file (icon I suppose) in the example: not important. It won't prevent to run.
The room problem with emily: Emily is the official support BOT on the production, but it doesn't work on the sandbox -> error but non fatalAnd it's avatar missing (the jpg) won't be seen in production, only in Sandbox.
You may continue developing ;)
Best regards,
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