
Two Rainbow Instances Running in Parallel in Mobile


2 Kommentare


    There is another use case for this dual usage.

    Some workers in our company need two different phone numbers: one is their personal number, while the second is functional (abstract) number used for programming workflows in the Visual Automated Attendant.

    Right now these people need both Rainbow AND the IP softphone. Linking both numbers to a single Rainbow app would clearly facilitate their work (and reduce support cost, and simplify maintenance, and accelerate training and user adoption...)

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  • Cedric DEVILLE

    Nous avons également un besoin identique pour séparer un compte fonctionnel, d'un compte personnel.
    Pour l'heure l'usage possible est le suivant:
    - client lourd
    - client web avec autre nom d'utilisateur

    mais cet usage ne fonctionne pas sur les smartphones

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