
iOS SDK - Calls not connecting while app is not running.



4 Kommentare

  • Joseph IACOPETTA

    Hello Teena,

    Your application must be "Push ready" if you want to receive a call in background mode.

    Best regards,

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  • gopal

    Hi Joseph, i went through all mentioned above documentation links, but still not working.

    if i kill the ios app, call is not connected (it will work only when app is in  background state or active state)

    Please provide me some solution asap.

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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi Gopal,

    We will improve our documentation to help you better.

    In the meantime, here are additionnal information that could help you identifying on which steps you have the issue.

    Could you follow this guide and see if it works:

    SDK IOS Push mode in action:

    • Developer needs an apple developer account
    • Development environment needs to be configured for push mode (Apple has a dev tool ‘pusher’ that developer can use to see if their environment is correctly configured: 
    • Developer needs to get the correct push certificates (IM, VOIP) from Apple
      • Development certificates have to be used on our Sandbox platform (with a Rainbow application created on the sandbox platform)
      • Production certificates have to be used on our Production platform  (with a Rainbow application created on the production platform)
    • Developer needs to register a Rainbow application
      • For development, on our Sandbox platform using the Sandbox developer account + Rainbow CLI tool
      • For production, on our Production platform using the developer Rainbow account + Rainbow Hub
    • Certificates have to be registered with the Rainbow application
      • For development, using the Rainbow CLI on the development application
      • For production, using the Rainbow HUB on the production application
    • SDK should be initialized with the Rainbow application ID
      • For development, appid can be found using the Rainbow CLI with the development application
      • For production, appid can be found using the Rainbow HUB with the production application
    • Enable Push with the SDK IOS
    • Finally, Rainbow application has to be deployed
      • For development, nothing to do, application is automatically deployed on the sandbox
      • For production, application has to be deployed by the developer (pay-as-you-go / business).


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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    We added some information on how to generate certificates compliant with Rainbow

    Hope it will help,



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