Couldn't sync App gradle for Android Studio with com.ale.rainbow:1.40.0
BeantwortetWe are trying to add Rainbow CPaas in our Android app but at the initial stage for adding compile com.ale.rainbow:1.40.0 or implementation compile com.ale.rainbow:1.40.0 in app build gradle in Android studio. Our current Target SDK & compile SDK is 26. Getting 2 different Errors
1) FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugAndroidTestManifest'.
> Failed to create directory 'E:\CPASS\cpass_jone\Sprngpod\app\build\intermediates\manifest\androidTest\debug'
2) Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/AbstractCaverphone;
Any help will be highly appreciable.
Hi Gaurav,
For your first problem, in the What's new:
was written- We have updated some libraries in this version. You could meet some issue with the manifest merger, just make sure to update the concerned libraries (for example, the support v7 libraries).
could you please first check this ?
Best regards,
Pascal -
For the 1st Question's Comment, We tried to keep all Library dependency as latest (or little OLD Version also) couldn't help it. So we finally used "com.ale:rainbowsdk:1.38.0" and only it worked but we are able to run in debug mode in mobile device but can't generate release or debug .APK.
For the 2'nd Questions's Comment, We have some IOT related libraries for which we already use multiDexEnabled as true. Which are disturbing our Existing project. So is there any Chances that a project with number of functions more than 65536 can't use com.ale:rainbowsdk ?
for your first problem,
"1) FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugAndroidTestManifest'.
> Failed to create directory 'E:\CPASS\cpass_jone\Sprngpod\app\build\intermediates\manifest\androidTest\debug'"is it possible for you to clean your prject? if no, maybe, you debug file (or directory) is used by another tool
"2) Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/commons/codec/language/AbstractCaverphone; "
" So is there any Chances that a project with number of functions more than 65536 can't use com.ale:rainbowsdk ?"
Sirry, I don't understand your problem. Could you re explain, please
1) We have tried with clean project and even invalidate project. It doesn't help. No the project path is totally independent for android studio. It is not used by any other Tools.
2) we are facing facing following - Error:Execution failed for task :app:transformDexArchiveWithExternalLibsDexMergerForDebug'.
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to merge dexso on research in forums, it was suggested to make "Multidexenabled true" under defaultConfig in App gradle, which is suggested for project having number of functions more than 65536. So in our project we have more than 65536 functions and for com.ale:rainbowsdk which uses GOOGLEWEBRTC (recommended to use Multidexenabled true). So our project have more than 65536(slready using Multidexenabled true) and googlewebrtc recommends to use Multidexenabled true. So is there any chances that because of which we can't go with com.ale:rainbowsdk
Hi back,
About "1)
Do the directories E:\CPASS\cpass_jone\Sprngpod\app\build\intermediates\manifest\androidTest\debug'" exist ?
Do you have right (yourself, not Android Studio) to write a file there ?
Is your HDD somewhat full ?About "2) Multidex, I never build an Android app, but after a search on Google:
"Enable multidex for apps with over 64K methods" you try this ?
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