
Create Bubble through Outlook Calendar Appointment


5 Kommentare

  • Jan FROM

    would be nice to have. support this

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  • Mike POTTER

    Mikail, Thanks. This seems to enable me to create a meeting with a bubble from an email with all email participants. I am looking to do it the other way from the bubble participants to the calendar appointments. I hope this makes sense.  Regards, Mike

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  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hi Mikail,

    Great idea, let's wait and see what our product team must say about it!

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  • Mike POTTER

    What happened to this suggestion? I see nothing so far and it would be useful. Also from a bubble how do you schedule a audio/video conference? At the moment you can start an instant video but not schedule something with invites to all participants


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  • Mikail YARDIMCI

    Hi Mike,


    you can add in in your msft outlook appointment:





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