
Search PBX Phonebook from Rainbow Client


5 Kommentare

  • Barry BOOTH

    This is required ASAP, and will be a USP against the competition

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  • Jean-Pascal SAIDE

    Hello, please note that the phone book search is already available for OXE. If you create an entry in the OXE phone book, it is replicated during the night, so you can find it once it's synchonized with Rainbow Cloud.

    This is applicable to OXE only, OXO has a different behavior (I work mainly on OXE).

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  • Ketil ROMSTAD

    I can not see how to look up employees who are not Rainbow users to call these from the Rainbow client.

    You can search Rainbow users from your own company, but do not get those who are not.


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  • Ketil ROMSTAD

    At our Office we have Alcatel OXO, and I can search members of my company for colleague who not have Rainbow account  so this works.


    I have a test account at a Customer site with Alcatel OXE rel 12.1, and I dont get any hit when search members of my company from Rainbow web client.

    Should this work from OXE?

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  • Brian BIRD

    To search for members of your PBX the user must have a Business or Enterprise subscription. They show up at the bottom of the search bar as Enterprise Contacts.

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