
Search for Users Using their Email Address

Nicht geplant


3 Kommentare

  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Alberto,

    It's a great idea, but we can't plan this function. Indeed, the e-mail address is a private data for users who are not yet part of your network.

    It is therefore impossible to use this information to search for people.

    Feel free to give us your opinion on the other ideas or send us other feature suggestions! 😊

    Aktionen für Kommentare Permalink
  • Alberto OLIVEIRA

    Hi Quentin,

    I understood.
    But, if the search use e-mail only in company?

    Best Regards,

    Alberto Silva

    Aktionen für Kommentare Permalink
  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hi Alberto,

    We would like to keep the same behavior for all searches. Have you seen the latest function who help users to find their colleagues in Rainbow ?

    This feature is available on all Rainbow applications (Web/Desktop, iOS &Android):

    Do you think this feature could help you?

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