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8 Kommentare

  • Mike POTTER

    I raised this several weeks ago. To me and our company here it would a great addition

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  • Jean-Pascal KLEIN

    Everyone has already looked for this function

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  • Mike POTTER

    Any news?

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  • Mike POTTER

    What goes? This is frustrating when repeatedly having to recreate a  search to find a contact.

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  • Mike POTTER

    I guess this does not warrent a comment or interest from the Rainbow group

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  • Louise QUINTRAND

    Hi Jean-Pascal and Mike, 
    This feature is not in the roadmap because it is suggested that when you search for someone and you have found your contact, the conversation opens and you can then contact the person again without having to do the search again because they are in your conversations.

    Thanks for your suggestion :) 

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  • Mike POTTER

    The issue is if you find several options in the search and select the incorrect. You cannot then go back to the search results and select another. You need to start search again


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  • Mike POTTER



    Did you understand my question and is there an answer?



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