File extension absent while uploading the file with "uploadFileToConversation" .
File extension is not displayed to the other end user when the file is uploaded using node SDK "uploadFileToConversation" which is given in the below link.
Also after downloading, the extension is not found to the file.
I have tried with simple plan text file.
Thanks and regards,
Hi sunny,
Thank you for the feed back.
Personnaly i used the lib
const fileapi = require("file-api");
it allows to get the full object need by file api :file = new fileapi.File({
path: "c:\\temp\\IMG_20131005_173918.jpg", // path of file to read
jsdom: true, // be DoM-like and immediately get `size` and `lastModifiedDate`
async: false, // use `fs.stat` instead of `fs.statSync` for getting
);that.rainbowSDK.fileStorage.uploadFileToConversation(conversation, file, strMessage).then(...);
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