
Extension number field does not appears in Rainbow PC, WEB and IOS client !


17 Kommentare


    This has also been a request from one of my customers

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  • Brian BIRD

    I certainly agree Tomas. The integration with the OXO Directory is available to Rainbow Business subscribers, but it only shows up as an Enterprise Contact at the bottom of the search panel. Having it listed as one of the users contact numbers would be far easier.

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  • Claire DECHRISTE


    Just one remark: On OXO and OXE, the call will be routed to the corresponding internal extension even if DDI number is displayed in Work phone. So the call will remain internal each time it's possible.

    Is the number behind "Work Phone" label so important? It is up to Rainbow (and PBX) to reach the contact on the right number.

    Also note that today the internal extension is only displayed if the user has no DDI defined.

    Best regards,


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  • Tamas MESZAROS

    The test result using OXE with WEBRTC GW:

    Call Rainbow user with OXE deskphone clicking to Work phone field :

    • from Rainbow PC client  --> the call arrives as internal call - OK
    • from Rainbow WEB        --> the call arrives as internal call - OK
    • from Rainbow Android --> the call arrives as EXTARNAL call - NOT OK !
    • from Rainbow IOS         --> the call arrives as EXTARNAL call - NOT OK !

    In Android client the Extension number field is visible - you can call the  Rainbow user with OXE deskphone with extension number :)  --> the call arrives as internal call - OK

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  • Andreas HEISE

    I never missed the extension as Claire said the call is routed internally. Internal extension numbers may confuse as they normally can use only within the same pbx system or network.

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  • Brian BIRD

    OK I am a bit confused then. We just made a call to one of our extensions by clicking on the Work number listed in Rainbow for that employee and the traces for that call are showing that the OXO is seizing a trunk line and making an external call to the internal user.

    Am I missing something in the config?


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  • Andreas HEISE

    did you associate a pbx extension for the called user?

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  • Brian BIRD

    Hey Andreas - The PBX Extension has been assigned to the Rainbow user and we are successfully using the WebRTC Gateway.

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  • Andreas HEISE

    OK then for me it looks like a bug, you should get an incoming sip call to the rainbow user id BBB1...

    Is it working when you switch from voip to office phone mode? 

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  • Tamas MESZAROS

    Thanks the advice of Claire DECHRISTE  - I did not recognised that in case of clicking Work number the system will dial only extension. We have OXE and OXO systems I will check the functions in details. I still believe that most of the calls needs connected to internal communication inside one system.

    For this the users expect homogeneous behavior  in different clients. In Android there is Extension number, it is visible, but in other platform not !

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  • Claire DECHRISTE

    Hi Tamas,

    What is your telephonic profile?

    If you activate "VoIP for business calls", you should have a webRTC call set up to the webRTC gateway, not a GSM call.

    If you activate "Use my mobile phone for business calls", but without VoIP,  OXE will call your mobile number back, then connect you to the requested number.

    If the options above are NOT activated, the application will place a GSM call.

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  • Tamas MESZAROS

    Dear Claire,

    The used profile is Computer(VoIP). Practically this profile used to ring parallel the deskphone and mobile app.  The missing extension field cause difficulties to handle business calls from mobile app eg. transfer to another colleague, or just call back from call history.

    The worst is for the IOS users - because of the lack of Extension number and if they click to Work phone number which is available - they make an external call for user through public network.

    In android you can choose Extension number, and you can call.

    I also expect similar behavior in all platform - it is very difficult to understand to customer, why the behavior different from different client !



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  • Andreas HEISE

    Hello Tamas,

    I see the extension number on iOS device as well. Please can you re-test in latest iOS version which was published this morning?



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  • Tamas MESZAROS

    Hello Andreas,

    Yes I confirm that after the last upgrade in the IOS client also visible the extension number.

    .I miss the graphical  pictogram s from the different type of numbers - like mobile and handset icon .

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  • Andreas HEISE

    Hello Tamas,

    the icons are displayed only in the contact details. I think it's a size limitation as it's displayed as single line in the dial options.



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  • Tamas MESZAROS

    Hi, the extension number is still missing from PC and WEB client. Do we expect some changes?

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  • Daniel MCGIRR

    Also having the same issue. Please advise if this is getting addressed. Thanks


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