
Android Rainbow SDK application



5 Kommentare

  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi Caesar,

    No, it's not possible to do Rainbow chat without the SDK because of the complexity behind. Rainbow chat allows to do chat with multiple devices (IOS, Android, Web, desktop), allows to manage acknowledgments, to do group chat and files, locations and voice messages sharing. Doing that with the SDK only requires some lines of code. 

    Additionnaly, in some cases, you need to keep the compatibility with our Rainbow application.

    So, for all these reasons, you need to use the SDK to do that. We do no offer the Rainbow chat using REST API only.




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  • César Octavio Padrón Domínguez

    I am new to the world of development with rainbow, I want to start developing the following application: A mobile application that among other things I can chat with other people (should I use the Android SDK?), I want the app to authenticate with my Database (I already do this with a Web API that I developed in CSharp), but I need that those users of my Database are in rainbow but can chat, how can I do that and what should I use?

    I think I have to use REST API in my Web API with CSharp or I don't know if in the same android SDK in the android client application?

    I think I should make a RAINBOW THIRD PARTY APPLICATION but I don't know how and what to use after authenticating with my web api(In Csharp) to create the user in rainbow


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  • Christophe IRLES


    Since you are already developing in CSharp, I suggest you to use the Rainbow CSharp SDK available here as Nuget Package:

    Documentation available here

    NOTE: Chat / IM features need Web Socket and XMPP.


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  • Excuse me, but in C Sharp what I have developed is a web API that connects to a BD to interact with the Android application, what I need is to create my BD users in raimbow so they can chat, what should I use?



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  • Christophe IRLES

    To have IM feature, REST requests are not enough. You need also a Websocket to manage XMPP ...

    So the only way it's to use the Android SDK or the Web SDK using Webview ...


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