
What is the difference between bubble , group and room in rainbow .



3 Kommentare

  • Brian BIRD

    Hello Pratima

    A Bubble is where we set up group discussions. If you have an Enterprise subscription the Bubble can go from an Instant Message to a 50 party VoIP based audio conference call or video call.

    A Rainbow Room which will be available soon, is basically a meeting room with Rainbow Video conferencing.

    I hope that helps a bit

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    Hi Brian,

    To avoid confusion, I think it's important to distinguish standards-based VoIP from proprietary Rainbow protocols. A bubble does not offer a VoIP based audio conference but is a contained system within Rainbow (i.e. the whole conversation happens within Rainbow). The personal meeting bridge on the other hand does offer VoIP functionality.

    Please don't hesitate to correct me if anything in my statement is not true.


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  • Brian BIRD

    I have just added a new post to my Channel - Integrated Products Rainbow News and Information that provides a bit more detail on the difference between a Bubble and a Meeting - I hope this helps.

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