
Channel Added Values


7 Kommentare

  • Philippe MALADJIAN

    1 - yes
    2 - yes but you should be able to choose as a global parameter on the channel with or without comments and be able to activate / deactivate it by publication.

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  • Mike POTTER

    I tend to agree. Make channels a key info medium


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  • Philippe MALADJIAN

    In fact, with a view to centralizing information and internal communication within a company, chains find their place and largely replace email.

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  • Brian BIRD

    I think these features would be nice enhancements to Channels.


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  • Mike POTTER

    Agreed a good medium for disseminating company wide info.

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  • Bara ZAGHWAN

    Good Points to enhance the channels 

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  • Hirai Kengo

    Do we have a specific scheduled plan to accomplish 1 and 2 Now?

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