
New Rainbow desktop client takes up ample right vertical side space with Contact Info


3 Kommentare

  • Nicy White

    Hi Kaushal Agrawal,

    how can i switch to the new Interface? I am very interested in the update, because I have many problems with the old ui.

    Best regards

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  • Kaushal AGRAWAL

    Hi Nicy White, About two weeks back, my Rainbow desktop client asked me to update. It was automatic upgrade to the following:


    I didn't do anything special to upgrade. This interface does have an option to switch back to old design. 

    You may try to uninstall and reinstall from Probably, it is already new version, not sure though.

    Hope this helps,


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  • Andreas HEISE


    newUI it's not depending from the installed client. It's an configuration option "tryNewUiCustomisation" for the company / user profile and needs to be enabled by an admin currently. ALE announced that the new UI will be available for all users in the next 2 weeks.

    If the option is set to enable the user can toggle between new and old (current) UI version.



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