
Delete and Invite a member


4 Kommentare

  • Andreas HEISE

    Hi Hirai,

    seems to be that the user you tried to invite has already joined another company. You can only invite users who are in the company Rainbow or not have an Rainbow account today.



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  • Hirai Kengo

    Hi Andreas HEISE


    I see, but please explain following situation. ( I have raised trouble ticket on the issue yesterday.)

    The customer, has invited a person named A from A' company and it was successful.

    Since person B is a consultant so that he carry the mail address and RB accounts both  for  A` company  and B' company separately.

    When the customer has tried to invite person B either A' company and B' company were NOT successful.

    So, it seems the phenomenon is not only dependent on the Company status.


    Best Regards


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  • Hirai Kengo

    Hi Andreas HEISE

    Correction to my previous response.

    Sorry I need to check A`company who might be under the Rainbow Company.



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  • Hirai Kengo

    Hi Andreas Heise

    Understood the reason. You are right.

    Thank you very much for your answer.


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