
No Call list


5 Kommentare

  • Axel Steppe


    I am not sure if ALE is really working on the problem.

    From the status dashboard all is fine and running ?!

    We get a additional problem, we are not able to call sip numbers with more then 12 digits anymore.

    Checking the SBC logs showed that the numbers, coming from the WebRTC, is now different formatted then befor the 25th of june.

    Will be good if ALE can commit that there is work in progress to fix the issues.

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  • Axel Steppe

    Same problem here since Friday 25th of June.....

    Rainbow.log shows recv events from rainbow.lim instead of for journal entrys.

    Seems that these entrys are ignored within rainbow client.

    Also for DekstopApp and WebClient.

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  • Dirk LANGE

    Hello, same problem here. Did anyone heard something from ALE about this issue? Several customers are involved.

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  • Axel Steppe

    Rised a ticket and work is in progress there.

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  • Anton HINGERL


    same Problem. No Call-History in "recent-Conversations" (You called ...)  and an incomplete History in "Calls"

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