
black text


6 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Baptiste CANDELIER

    Hi Jeroen,

    I confirm R&D worked already on this issue and it is fixed in the coming version v96 planned to be put in production week 47.

    I see that your company is managed by an ALE reseller. The best way to access ALE support is to contact your ALE partner who will open a ticket on your behalf. To do this, I suggest you talk to them about putting the correct support email address in your Rainbow company setup so that you can contact them directly when you write to Support BOT Emily with the keyword #support.




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  • Baptiste CANDELIER


    there is no difference between PBX issues/questions and Rainbow issues/questions. The entry point for a customer is always his ALE reseller.


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  • Sam BOYD

    Hi Jamie, I found the same issue and raised a case with ALE, hopefully this will be fixed soon.

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  • Jeroen V

    Hi Jamie, also the same issue here.

    Sam, how do you create cases to Alcatel? Or is this only for partners/resellers?

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  • Jeroen V

    @Baptiste thanks for the update, i know how to contact ALE partners/reseller but it's not clear when to contact here on the community for cloud rainbow stuff and when to the partner we are using for classic pbx stuff.

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  • Sam BOYD

    Thank you for the confirmation Baptiste, the ALE Support team informed the same. Have a great weekend :)

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