in NODE - RED make a release call of the active call
In Node-red
in a first UIButton I made a makecall and it's Ok
and I made this script in another UIbutton of the dashboard
I include this script in the node Rainbow Function, but he don't work
// ####### start of Script #####
// get data object of the active call
let appel = node.sdk.telephony.getActiveCalls();
// get the Id of the call
var appelid = appel[0].id;
// command of Release
// View of Datas objects to verify that the call Id is present
msg.payload =appel;
return msg;
// ##### end of script ####
Could you help me please
I do not understand what does not work (the release, or the result in the payload), but i had developped nodes for Telephony for the node red contrib a few years ago.
You can find it there :
You should have a look on it, and find the way i used it.
Sources are in the folder ale-rainbow .
Note that there is an exemple.
Hello Vincent
bon ben
I don't understand why my script don't work :-(
I'm in the last release of SDK Rainbow (June of 2022)
I'm in the release 2.2.2 of
and the contrib ALE Rainbow is in the last version too
but no action le call is not released :-(
NOTA : I forgot to tell you, I use the node Rainbow Function of the Node-red Contrib
In my var appelid I have the
in my var appel I have the Data object of the activeCall
0: objectstatus: objectid: "20535"conversationId: nullconnectionId: "20535#2413"type: objectisVm: falsecontact: objectremoteMedia: 0localMedia: 0isEscalated: falsestartDate: nullisInitiator: falseparticipants: nullisRemoteVideoMuted: falseisConference: falseavatars: array[0]currentCalled: objectdeviceType: "SECONDARY"deviceState: "LCI_CONNECTED"cause: "NETWORKSIGNAL"jid: ""phoneNumber: "000671587710"globalCallId: "a9e5b66237500100"correlatorData: undefinedvm: falsereally I'm lost
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