would be great feature, especially for remote drivers for delivery companies etc.
The problem seems to be the pbx agent not connected, as i can see webrtc connected for all companies in equipment section but restarting the pbx agent doesnt do anything yet
Ah ok, carry on so
really needs to be supported now that lots of users are working remotely on rainbow and incoming calls need to be sent to multiple users (parallel)
Need a second screen, otherwise the participants will see themselves on your shared screen put ppt on 2nd screen and only share that
you can just click "Audio Call" in the Rainbow toolbar in outlook more than one number in the contact will show a drop down menu
This already happens in iPhone app anyway
I had a similar issue for a customer in the past and suggested the same feature If you log a support ticket with the users I’d they can block them
looks like company admin, can also access that now too My Company, Information, Themes (Tab) on Right
this can be done by resellers to create a custom skin under "Administration / White Label"