Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hi Quentin, there is a mistake in the note, DNS name of new server must be instead of brgds Andreas
Andreas HEISE hat einen Post erstellt
Hello, in the past,. all my REST scripts start to check REST API availablility by calling, now it's reply 404 Not Found and redirected to, w...
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
I've the same issue on Android if the call on comuter is answered to qiuckly, if I wait few seconds before answering ringing stops on Android. No problem in iPhone even if the call is answered quic...
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hello Bruno, IP Desktop Softphone is not part of Rainbow.You should ask your BP for support. brgds Andreas
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hi Patrick, you can query last lastLoginDate and loggedSince per user via REST API see the example on the development hub: brg...
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hi Jason, please have a look to the related documentation: brgds A...
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hello Christophe, I had the same issue with an user which only used mobile client, his Rainbow file storage volume was reached, after clean-up problem was solved. see also: https://support.openrain...
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hello Murali, you should post your development question in the Hub Support Community: brgds Andreas
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hello Philippe, I had the same error message when my file store limit was reached and I tried to upload a file. Please check your limit in the files menu in the right bottom corner: brgds Andreas
Andreas HEISE hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen
Hi Hirai, seems to be that the user you tried to invite has already joined another company. You can only invite users who are in the company Rainbow or not have an Rainbow account today. brgds Andreas