Target audience: Rainbow User Related Offers: Business, Enterprise
You can make a call to your voice mailbox directly from Rainbow. A new message counter is present in the application and tells you when to contact your mailbox. Telephony functions are only available from your computer.
NOTE: This feature requires a PBX conection. Please contact your company's administrator for more information.
How to Access My Voicemail?
Click on the "Recent Events" icon above Rainbow to display the Call Log (1) and Voice Mail page. A new message counter can be displayed on this icon.
On the first line, click on the 'Voicemail' tab (2).
This page summarizes the number of messages waiting for consultation and allows you to reach your voice mailbox with a simple click (3).
Once the call has been made, use your telephone and follow the instructions. The call to voice mail is handled like any other phone call made by Rainbow (4).
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