Target Audience: Company Admin
Related Offers: Essential, Business, Enterprise
Since version 1.29 it is now possible to configure several numbering rules for each PBX. The rules will use the "Regular Expression" mechanism (also called RegEx) to perform "find and replace" operations on the phone numbers dialed. |
NOTE: If no rule is defined Rainbow default behavior is to analyze automatically a phone number using an integrated phone number library and the country defined in the user profile. For example, if the number is identified as a national phone number it will add the outbound prefix defined in the PBX configuration. |
How does it work? |
If numbering rules are defined then the dialed number will be first sent through these rules and if it matches a rule then the default behavior (phone number library and country analysis) will be skipped and the rule applied. If no rule matches then the default phone number analysis (see note above) will apply. If the dialed phone number is matching a rule do not forget to add the outbound prefix in the replace field if the resulting number is a public phone number. |
Let's give some examples: |
Rule= ^(\d{1,5})$
Replace= $1 e.g. input 54321 => dialed 54321 (outbound prefix is not added) e.g. input 654321 => more then 5 digits, rule does not match:
Rule= ^((?=(258))[0-9]{8})$
Replace= $1 e.g. input 25845678 => dialed 25845678 e.g. input 2584567890 => more then 8 digits, rule does not match
e.g. input 25745678 => not starting with 258, rule does not match
Rule = ^0321
Replace= 00 e.g. input 0321456789 = dialed 00456789
Rule = ^0800
Replace = empty e.g. input 0800123456 => nothing is dialed e.g. input 0801654321 => rule does not match, 0801654321 may be recognized by default phone number recognition and 00801654321 sent to the PBX
Rule = ^3699$
Replace = 03699 or
Rule = (^3699$)
Replace = 0$1 e.g. input 3699 => dialed 03699 |
NOTE: Once a number is matching a rule, the modified number is sent to the PBX and no other rule will apply to this number. Therefore the rule order is important. |
Hi, thanks, it helps... but:
I've set and some rules we need are working but I've found some cases we need to deal with...
It is:
1) how to deal with "+" in the begining of international phone numbers as are usually used all over the world... I am not able to set + mark in dialing rules
2) how to deal with spaces between numbers ie: +421 2 49216 171 is usual form of number in slovakia... I need to delete them...
many thanks
For 1) I don't understand exactly what you mean.
For example, to add a "+" at the beginning: Rule = ^(.+)$ Replace=+$1
Or to remove a "+" at the beginning: Rule = ^\+ Replace=nothing
For 2) : Rule=[^\d]+ Replace=nothing
Hi, the point 1) I solved already by rule =^[+], replace=00
But for point 2) I have no idea. Whenever there is a space in number to dial there is an error.
Hi Milos, Hi Simon,
after some tests our R&D found out that rules configured to catch the + of a canonical phone number don't work correctly. They have already provided a fix and it should be available Monday October 15th once the new Rainbow version has been promoted into production. Let us know if you still face the same issues next week.
Hi Baptise,
pleas help me with regular command for translate of Speed Dialing By Range:
ex. AB180 - in OXE mean #90 prefix to area 0, 080 mean the index of Speed Dialing By Range in area 0
The index 080 is therefore because in OXE is locate also Speed Dialing Prefix in range 100 prefixes.
I need modify commad ex. ^((?=(258))[0-9]{8})$ as ex.:
the AB180 will replace by #90080# _ index 000 -999 in Speed Dialing By Range
I know work with command ^((?=(258))[0-9]{8})$ when the numbers 258 not need remove.
Ho is possible ^((?=(AB))[0-9]{6})$ replace to finaly command to OXE as :
#90 - prefix to Speed Dialing By Range 0, xxx - the all index ( 000-999), # confirm value for end of PSTN number in Speed Dialing By Range
Thank you for help
Petr Halberstat Alcasys
Hi Team,
Is there a way we can remove +1 which is showing in the calllog for the outbound call made?
For example:
The external call made is 9480XXX -- call is successful from rainbow agent.
However, for this call the call is saved as +1480XXX and while dialing this from call log the call fails.
Need a help to make either the called number unchanged in call log or to make a numbering rule to remove +1 and 9 on outgoing call.
Currently no numbering plan is configured and out bound prefix is configured as 9 selecting the country US.
Thank you.
Hello all
Here in Greece most of the emergency or services number are starting with 1 and are 5digits.
I have put a rule that replace the 1 with 01 (0 is the outgoing prefix).
But we have 2 customers that first has extensions 1xx (3 digit) and the second has extensions 1xxx (4digits). If i put the above rule , they can not dial internal no.
If there a different solution for this ??
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