A company administrator has the possibility to define the level of analytics displayed to him/her, to other administrators in the company, and to the company partner. Currently, a partner is not allowed to modify this parameter on behalf of his customer.
To configure this level of analytics, the company administrator has to go to Settings and Privacy tab as shown below:
Two settings are available:
- Analytics for my administrators defines how analytics are displayed to all administrators of the company
- Analytics for my partner defines how analytics are displayed to the partner of the company
Each setting can take one of the following values:
User level (default)
All analytics are available, including individual analytics in the Audio Quality dashboard: it is possible to search a specific user and see user names when selecting All users.
Company level
All analytics level but in the Audio Quality dashboard it is not possible to see user names or IPs associated with the audio legs, and it is also not possible to search for the audio legs of a specific user.
No analytics
All analytics are totally hidden
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