When you connect to Rainbow, a token is generated. This allows you to extend your session, so you don't need to log in again each time you use Rainbow.
A token has a limited validity period, generally around 60 days. Anticipating the end of this validity period and regenerating a new token before it expires will guarantee that you are never disconnected. When a token expires, you may not be aware of it, which could mean you miss calls or messages.
Note: Apart from this validity period, a token will also expire for any absence of more than 14 days.
Anticipate token expiry
To avoid this, Rainbow will invite you to reconnect via a banner as soon as your token reaches 2/3 of its validity, i.e. 40 days. Forcing a reconnection will allow you to start a new 60-day cycle.
Tips: If your Company administrator has configured a single sign-on system, you won't necessarily need to re-enter your password when renewing your token. This will depend on the configuration of your identity provider (e.g. Microsoft Azure etc.).
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