On Monday 09/11/2020, we will perform some upgrade activity to release Rainbow Version 79.9.
These operations will be carried out in several steps per region in order to ensure the best possible quality of service.
Do you have any doubts about the region you are concerned about? More details 🔽
Remember that the region of the Rainbow Company prevails, not the Rainbow user's region.
🕘 Time slots: Monday, November 9, from 09:00 to 11:00 CET
- Release of Web application - Version 2.79.9
- Release of Desktop applications Win - Version 2.79.1
- Release of Desktop applications Mac - Version 2.79.1
- Release of iOS application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Android application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Microsoft Teams Connector - SmartApp - Version 1.71.7
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🕘 Time slots: Monday, November 9, from 12:00 to 14:00 CET
- Release of Web application - Version 2.79.9
- Release of Desktop applications Win - Version 2.79.1
- Release of Desktop applications Mac - Version 2.79.1
- Release of iOS application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Android application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Microsoft Teams Connector - SmartApp - Version 1.71.7
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🕘 Time slots: Monday, November 9, from 17:00 to 19:00 CET
- Release of Web application - Version 2.79.9
- Release of Desktop applications Win - Version 2.79.1
- Release of Desktop applications Mac - Version 2.79.1
- Release of iOS application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Android application - Version 1.79.3
- Release of Microsoft Teams Connector - SmartApp - Version 1.71.7
After analysis we have identified and fixed the root cause of the problem of slowness or connection problem. There's no need to reinstall Rainbow. It was only a workaround.
Can you confirm to us that everything is functional at your place?
The selection of the French language is another problem. A correction is being tested and should be available very soon.
I asked my end customer and it seems everything is okay now. (Connect/Login ok)
EDIT: Slowness is also fixed.
Yes, I noticed after doing about 10 that it had started working again without re-install. All functional again. Thanks!
I have a customer with the same issue as LUNCEFORD : the "It was not possible to connect to the server. Please check your network configuration. Trying to reconnect..."
Just opened an SR as this customer is using Rainbow for voice calls for home working people due to corona.
We are now seeing this affecting all of our clients. These are 50 computers spread across 3 different geographical locations (all eastern US) so multiple internet connections involved and all other internet-based services are working as expected. Something definitely seems to be up...hopefully the release to fix the french translations will also fix our connectivity.
Well, that is super annoying, guess I will start my tour-de-computers now to fix this. Thanks for the solution Luc! I hadn't thought to uninstall, I was just re-installing over the existing install which was not working. Thanks again!
Found the solution at customer site. Need to uninstall Rainbow. Download the new version and install and the client will connect. Note: Not all users were involved within the company. Some had no issues at all.
Thank you for all your comments that help us investigate. We are currently analyzing this incident in order to provide a fix as soon as possible.
Hello everyone,
I publish here the root cause analysis of Monday's incident following the release Rainbow 79 applications. To summarize, two incidents occurred during the release of the latest versions: the unavailability of the French language and slowness / connection problems.
Concerning the unavailability of the French language, we had to release a new web application 2.79.12 to solve the problem. One language file corrupted and generated all French language clients to fall back on English. The new version was released on 09/11 around 7pm.
Concerning the slowness and difficulty of connection, a few thousand people were still using the old Rainbow (normally stopped with version 78 of Rainbow) notably via direct links to a particular version of Rainbow. These users could no longer connect to the old Rainbow and were trying to reconnect in a loop, creating a traffic overload.
This traffic resulted in slowness for other users or loss of phone service. We automatically redirected connection attempts on the old Rainbow to the official version to allow users to connect and free up the traffic.
We are four users working from home using Rainbow full time and here is a list of what is not working :
- When we take a call, if another call is pending, once we are done with the first one, if we take the second, the person on the other end can hear us, but we can't. The only way we can take two calls in a row is to completely close the application and restart it. We lose then all the pending calls, but it doesn't stop the call for one who is calling, they can stay for hours waiting for us to answer, but we don't even see it.
- Sometimes, when we are on the phone with a client, and another one is waiting for us to be free to take the call, Rainbow will end the first call and take the second one in less than a second. We can litteraly, without knowing, start a sentence with a client, and finish it with another one.
- Sometimes one of the users just don't have acces to Rainbow. We can connect but we are stuck on "Busy" and we can't change. We can't take any calls. We completely close it, restart the computer, but nothing seems to be working for that issue. It just comes back randomly sometimes several hours later.
These are the most urgent issues that we had for a couple of weeks now. They are happening daily on the web rainbow, the computer app but also the android app. We can't take half of the calls that we normally take in one day.
Can someone come back to me as soon as possible in order to find solutions please.
We have done the same as Luc HANSSENS - after manual reinstall no issues anymore but this is hard to do for all clients....
I can confirm that reinstalling Rainbow solved the issue for me, too. No reboot necessary.
There is a bug with this version, we cannot get the interface in French for the web client and the client
The clients are in Canada (Québec)
Could you fix this asap?
I have the same for an Austrian customer.
Hello everyone,
A side-effect following the publication of the Web Application 2.79.9 has made access to French translations non-functional.
Our team is already working on solving this problem. A new version of the web application should be quickly available to correct this problem.
Thank you for your understanding,
Most of our computers (around 40) are no longer able to connect here. These were all working fine when we left Friday and when we came in this morning we are receiving the "It was not possible to connect to the server. Please check your network configuration. Trying to reconnect..." I have tried rebooting, re-installing with both online and offline installers, and rebooting again. Nothing is working. Seems to be affecting almost everyone now since most people came in and hit the 'upgrade' button immediately.
Luc HANSSENS not yet, it updated in the middle of the day, I have too many things open I'm working on atm. Will report back shortly, after the reboot.
@Viktor, Did you reboot the computer ?
Right after the update, Rainbow is no longer working on my computer.
I tried shutting the app down and start it again, no changes.
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