This article allows resellers to assign the Operations role to some company members.
With the Operations role, company members have access to:
- Subscriptions: this section lists the user licenses already subscribed. Information are read-only.
- Communication: this section lists the voice equipment already associated to the company. It allows to declare new voice equipment and manage telephony services.
Prerequisite: To be able to assign the Operations role to other users, you must also have this role in your settings (Administration role is not sufficient).
Note: Other roles can be assigned to company members: Finance, Administration. For more details: see: Company roles and features.
Assigning the Operations role to a company member
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the Manage your customers icon
at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the left panel, click on My company, then Members.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the name of the target company member and select the Roles tab.
- In the Roles panel, select Operations and click on Apply.
Note: A role followed by the mention Read only is a role you do not have the right to manage.
Operations is displayed in the Roles column for the corresponding company member:
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