This article allows company administrators to configure alarms to monitor the audio quality of company calls.
This alarm feature, disabled by default, applies to peer-to-per and conference calls performed to or from Rainbow clients. At the end of a communication, a Quality of Service (QoS) ticket is generated by each Rainbow client. From the QoS ticket data, a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) value is determined (between 1 and 4.5), which reflects the perceived audio quality of the received audio stream:
- Higher than 4: communication is considered with good audio quality
- Between 3.6 and 4: communication is considered with medium audio quality
- Lower than 3.6: communication is considered with bad audio quality
It may also happen that no audio stream is received for communications.
Alarms can be configured to warn when there are too many recent communications with medium/bad audio quality, and too many communications with no audio.
Alarm configuration consists in:
- Enabling alarms for communications with medium/bad audio quality and/or no audio
- Defining the threshold from which alarm is triggered
- Defining the threeshold from which alarm is cleared
- Defining the number of communications to consider
For alarm configuration: see: Configuring alarms.
When a threshold is met, an alarm is triggered and displayed in an alarm list with status and available actions: see: Monitoring alarms.
Example of alarm list with details:
When an alarm is triggered, an indicator is added to the icon Manage your company at the bottom left and the Notifications menu.
Configuring alarms
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the icon Manage your company at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the MY COMPANY panel, click on My company.
- In the left panel, click on Alarms.
The alarm management window is displayed. - Click on Configure at the top of the right panel.
- Select the alarm(s) to enable.
Alarm parameters are displayed below. - Configure the alarm(s) according to your needs (thresholds and number of communications to consider).
It is recommended to use first the default parameters, monitor alarms which are triggered, and adjust parameters according to your observations.
The table below provides help for alarm configuration:
Audio quality incidents No audio incidents No alarm is triggered while there are audio quality issues
Increase Trigger an alarm if the ratio falls below so that less bad calls are required to trigger the alarm
Decrease Trigger an alarm if the ratio exceeds so that less calls without audio are required to trigger the alarm
The alarm is not solved although the audio quality is acceptable
Decrease Clear the alarm if the rate goes back above so that the alarms is solved with less good calls
Increase Cancel the alarm if the ratio drops below so that more calls without audio are accepted
The alarm is solved too quickly after being triggered
Increase the difference between Trigger an alarm if the ratio falls below and Clear the alarm if the rate goes back above
Increase the difference between Trigger an alarm if the ratio exceeds and Cancel the alarm if the ratio drops below
The alarm is not reactive enough: too much waiting before triggering
Reduce Number of recent calls and conferences to consider so that one bad call or conference has more impact on the computation
Reduce Number of recent calls and conferences to consider so that one bad call or conference has more impact on the computation
The alarm is too frequently triggered then cleared
Increase Number of recent calls and conferences to consider so that one bad call or conference has less impact on the computation
Increase Number of recent calls and conferences to consider so that one bad call or conference has less impact on the computation
Monitoring alarms
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on the icon Manage your company at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the MY COMPANY panel, click on My company.
- In the left panel, click on Alarms.
By default, the active and recent inactive alarms are displayed. A filter at the top left of the window allows to select alarms according to their status.
The available alarm statuses are:
Alarm status | Definition |
The alarm is active (1) and has not been acknowledged by you or for you by another company administrator (default status when the alarm is triggered) | |
The alarm is active (1) and has been acknowledged by you or for you by another company administrator Indicator visible on the icon Manage your company at the bottom left and the Notifications menu is removed |
The alarm has been solved (either manually or because the audio quality has been improved), and switched to recent inactive status. It can be searched using the default filter option Active and recent inactive for a period of 30 days after resolution. After 30 days, the alarm switches to inactive status and can be search by using the filter option Inactive for a period of additional 70 days. The alarm is totally deleted 100 days after its resolution |
(1): An alarm is seen active when the corresponding audio quality issue is still ongoing.
From the alarm list, you can move your mouse over an alarm, click on , and perform one of the following actions on the selected alarm:
Alarm | Available actions |
Unacknowledged alarm () | |
Acknowledged alarm () | |
Inactive alarm () |
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