New Features
Bubbles & Web conferences
[Licenses: Voice Business & Voice Enterprise] It's allowed to add a Rainbow participant into a bubble conference by calling them directly, without any invitation. This Rainbow user is added to the bubble with the Member role and will be visible in the bubble for the duration of the conference only. -
Hybrid Telephony
While an outgoing or incoming call is in progress, there is now a notification about a second incoming call. -
User experience
During a search, the Rainbow Room information is displayed updated after the administrator has changed it. -
User Interface
Sending a GIF file is allowed for users with right to use GIFs in the company. -
Rainbow Hub
[Licenses: Voice Business & Voice Enterprise] A Manager/secretary service can be created based on Hunting groups behavior, will be declined for the following use cases: 1 manager/1 assistant, 1 manager/several assistants, several managers/1 assistant (through several groups). -
New messages
The marker indicating the new messages could be incorrectly positioned while there had been exchanges. The marker 'New Messages' is set at the right place from now.
Main Fixes
In bad connection coverage, the user's avatar could be not displayed. In case of network issue, the avatar is still loadable from the user's cache to avoid losing it. -
Users could get difficulties to connect to a conference due to bad network coverage, but the displayed messages were not very relevant all together. Only the most relevant message is kept in such a case. -
The size of the dial-in code field was too small to allow the user to read it completely. The sizing has been corrected. -
Sent IM
It could be possible to get an unexpected message 'keep pressing to send vocal message' when trying to send only an IM. A fix is provided to avoid unnecessary actions that trigger reconfiguring the input bar item. -
Web Conference
It could happen that a conference was still active although it had been stopped in PC application. Side effect of refactoring, it's fixed now.
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