Import CSV file error
When i'm trying to import a Csv file for the preofessionnal repertory
I have the next error :
Fichier invalide. Le serveur a renvoyé "400500 Invalid Closing Quote: got "R" at line 1630 instead of delimiter, record delimiter, trimable character (if activated) or comment".
i don't find where is the problem
Thanks for your Help
Official comment
Hello David,
I've deleted the personal information you put in your last comment.
Regarding the issue I suggest you open a Rainbow support ticket. If you are an end customer and not an ALE partner, you must ask your Rainbow reseller to submit the request for you. Our support Team will then analyse your csv file and the issue reported.
Rainbow Customer Care Team.Comment actions -
Hi David,
Good day to you!
The error message indicates a file parsing issue, likely related to a CSV. Specifically, it suggests that at line 1630, an unexpected character ("R") was encountered instead of the expected delimiter (such as a comma, quote, or newline).
Could you please export the file in the correct CSV format, make the necessary edits, and import CSV accordingly?
If the issue persists, we recommend contacting our business partner and raising a case with us for further analysis.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Abdul Rahman G. -
It was indeed a special character problem ".
i have now an another error
Fichier invalide. Le serveur a renvoyé "400500 Invalid Record Length: columns length is 17, got 1 on line 25971".
But my line 25971 is OK
--personal information deleted by moderation--
i try to delete them but the error is always present.
Thank for your help
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