SDk Nodejs : random error on rainbowSDK.bubbles.getBubbleById()
I have a database(mariadb) where I save my created bubbles' id.
I have a scheduled process (with 'cron') that scans "expired" bubbles (based on date & time).
Most of the time, it's working as expected but sometime I have an error on getBubbleById():
6/4/2018 2:38:15 PM [1528115895386] - info: REST - (getBubble) successfull
6/4/2018 2:38:15 PM [1528115895387] - info: REST - (getBubble) REST get bubble information name=RDV avec Mlle Emilie, topic=mardi 5 juin 2018 Ã 09h30 pendant 1h30, history=none,, creator=5abde8db47c4320feef99109, visibility=private, creationDate=2018-06-04T09:34:04.616Z, users=[privilege=moderator, status=accepted, userId=5abde8db47c4320feef99109,, additionDate=2018-06-04T09:34:04.862Z], disableNotifications=false, confEndpoints=[], lastAvatarUpdateDate=null, guestEmails=[], country=FRA, company=da893faff14b6d2ca890b8ac737ae6b2, user=c482a5836621d9c958f04d4c766fec2a, id=5b15078cc7b7895891cea2be, activeUsersCounter=1
6/4/2018 2:38:15 PM [1528115895387] - debug: REST - (getBubble) _exiting_
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.assign (<anonymous>)
at that._rest.getBubble.then (/opt/app_nodejs/LCL/node_modules/rainbow-node-sdk/lib/services/Bubbles.js:629:52)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
The function retrieves correctly bubble but a convert error occurs.
Requesting the bubble info with REST API, I get same information as function.
SDK is 1.40.0
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