
Are SDK for Web APIs supported in >=Angular 2 applications.



  • Sunny Singh

    - A small correction in my question, the import files should be "rainbow-sdk.min.js" and "vendors-sdk.min.js"

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  • Konrad Hyzy

    Hi Sunny Singh,

    To answer the main question- yes, SDK for Web is supported in Angular 2+ applications.
    In order to import the Rainbow SDK files, download a Starter Kit for Angular 2 from our GitHub repository ( and follow the instructions from the file.

    Once you've set up your project, you're ready to go.

    In order to use the APIs inside of your component .ts files, you need to add the given function to the sdk class (in /src/modules/sdk.ts) and then import it into your component.

    This approach works also with the latest version of Angular (Angular 7).

    Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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  • Sunny Singh

    Hello Konrad Hyzy,

    Thank you for the information. Now I am able to consume the SDK for Web APIs in Angular 2+ apps.




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