MediPillar method in Swift?
Hi all, can anyone provide the way to use the media pillar method in swift?
Understand it is described in ObjC but can't find anything in Swift and the whole app is developed in swift.
Hi Gregoire,
The current ios sdk Jazzy documentation include both ObjC and swift API. There is currently no sample associated to the mediapillar feature, but the interface are available.
Use the beginNewOutgoingCallWithWebRTCGatewayToNumber method to create a mediapilar call.
just past the expected number as method parameter.
see examples associated to the method in Jazzy documentation.
Hi Vincent,
I was using the exact method beginNewOutgoingCallWithWebRTCGatewayToNumber on a button, and i get the error of this :
( Duplicate id found. Reassigning from 102 to 127
Sample function of my button :
@IBAction func btncall(_ sender: Any) { ServicesManager.sharedInstance()?.rtcService.beginNewOutgoingCallWithWebRTCGateway(toNumber: "80070")
Please advise.
Thanks & Regards,
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