Send File Attachment Error
Hai OpenRainbow Support,
We have a problem when sending a file attachment to a conversation.
Before Android SDK 1.51 release, we use SDK 1.48.1 and 1.49.0 and sending file attachment running well but have minor bugs in file attachment title.
Then we use Android SDK 1.51 and the file attachment title issue already solved.
After 1.52 and 1.53 release, we got this error when sending the file attachment more than 2MB to a conversation when use Android SDK below 1.52:
[ERROR] FileProxy - uploadFile failure : com.ale.infra.http.adapter.concurrent.RainbowServiceException: code: 403 Details: {"errorMsg":"FileDescriptor with id 5c9371de8aef5d6ed0a868cd shows some inconsistencies. The upload is aborted.","nbChunk":2,"sumOfChunkSizes":4194304,"fileSize":3796800} code: 403634
But for now, we still can't use the Android SDK above 1.51 because some user still uses android API level 17.
Please advice
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