
Setting presence state of any user (in my cmopany)



  • Vincent BAILLEAU

    Hi Stephan, 

    We currently not supporting delegation, as a consequence , you have to know the login and password of your users in order to make action for them.

    In you case to the access token of each of them, and do an api call in order to modify their presence.





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  • Stephan STEINER

    I do know the credentials in this case since the users are generated by my application. However, keeping 300 sessions, versus one, that's a gigantic hit in terms of performance. I've done CTI on 2000 user systems- and at some point we just had to switch to 3rd party controlling of everything for performance reasons. With the SDKs that do add quite a bit of overhead (seeing what kind of actions are taken until you can finally begin to make commands), I feel that as you scale applications, you will inevitably encounter a situation where opening new sessions just bogs down whatever application server this whole things runs on.

    What's Alcatel's recommendation for when you need to do stuff for a large number of users? Stay on prem? Is there a roadmap to support third party control?

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