Remote push notification not working for message and callkit background
- User did not get any remote notification when he/she receive the message and my app is in development mode stage.
- I followed same process for creating certificate
- In rainbow portal i uploaded following certificates successfully dev-cert.pem and voip-cert.pem.
- I am using following method for register device token to rainbow.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
ServicesManager.sharedInstance().notificationsManager.didRegisterForRemoteNotifications(withDeviceToken: deviceToken) }
- will i have to register update PKPushCredentials token to rainbow?
ServicesManager.sharedInstance()?.notificationsManager.registerForUserNotificationsSettings(completionHandler: { (success, error)} - in success i m getting true.
- I am getting normal push notification working from my backend server.
Currently i am using
Xcode - 11
Swift - 4.2
rainbow - 1.65
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