Archive Bubble Question After Every Conference
This is genuine feedback from a lot of my users. Please feedback to ALE Central Product Team and R&D.
Rarely users need to worry about too many bubbles activated. If they think they have too many bubbles, they can simply archive them by choice at any other time.
The critical thing here is, after every bubble conference, the platform asks whether the host wants to archive the bubble. Asking a question like that after a web conference misleads users to think the question is whether they want to archive the web session into a video or audio file.
Even worse if the user clicks Archive in a hurry by mistake, they cannot un-archive it. Can you imagine the hassle to rebuild a new bubble, invite everybody, and put in all the files again, just because of a misinterpretation or mis-click?
Besides, what is the point of archiving a bubble if you cannot un-archive it?
I would like to request a proper placement of product enhancement considered for this impactful UI/UX design.
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