
Visibility of all participants during a video conference



  • Brian BIRD

    There are plans to increase the number of video streams to 12 and to also introduce Active Speaker. so the person is speaking will have their video presented in the main screen. This is planned for Q2 of this year. This should greatly improve the video conferencing in a bubble.


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  • Eric CHOONG

    This is definately an area to improve, hope r&d can put it in the roadmap.

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  • Brian BIRD

    Thanks for posting this Jonathan, I have voted for it as well!

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    would be a great feature!

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  • Mike POTTER

    It is essential. Also a need to dramatically simplify the invite and login process of bringing in 3rd parties to bubbles and video conferences without the need of the long winded need to download, create an account and then login. This is not necessarily helpful when the attendee or guest may only be involved in the bubble for 1, 2 or 3 occasions.

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  • Jonathan Cassar

    I fully agree with Mike Potter especially if users are not that Tech savy

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  • Brian BIRD

    Hello Mike, I created a bubble for a conference call I am running next Tuesday. I simply copied the Share Invite Link that is in the Bubble and pasted it into the email and sent the email out to the people I wanted to invite. When they click on the link they are presented with this screen - People with a Rainbow account simply log in. 3rd Party people that dont have an account simply type their name and click on Join the Meeting and they are instantly taken to a web version of Rainbow and into the Bubble - No software to download, no account to create. I found this to be the easiest way for everyone involved. Of course they need to use Mozilla or Chrome as their web browser.

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  • Mike POTTER

    Brian, thank you Will try this out in the next day or so. Regards, Mike

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  • Stephan SCHIEK

    Is it planned to increase the number of video streams for iOs devices as well?

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