Max Guests per company?
Hi Rainbow Community,
Is Rainbow limits only 50 active guest accounts at a time?
Any limitation changes based on enterprise plans ?
- Let's assume a Telecom company provides a chat-bot application for customers to check the offers.
- 10K active customers want to check the offers by interacting with chat-bot for short time(1 to 5 mins).
- Do I really need to create 10K rainbow accounts ? or 10K guest accounts for a short period of time.
Could you please provide me a solution.
Thanks in advance,
Vamsi K
Official comment
I suggest to use a limited number of Guest users.
Then you create a link between a "real user" with a guet user plus another info (session Id for example). So you can manage any number of "real user" with few guest accounts
For example:
"real user John" (with session ID 1) is using guest #5 (randomly choosen), in each message exchangee, you start the message content with [%sessionId%] in this case [1]
"real user Mike" (with session ID 16) is using guest #2, (randomly choosen) in each message exchange you start the message with [%sessionId%] in this case [16]
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