When you start up rainbow, then minimize the window, you get anotification telling you that Rainbow is still running in the background. Other manufacturers allow to close the notification with a de...
When you have a person in your contact list that has been deleted from Rainbow, you no longer see a presence indicator, even though the person is still in your contact list. It would be helpful to ...
Having played around with the NodeJS SDK I bit and just having run the samples of the C# SDK, I feel like there's a case to be made for exposing the underlying connections to developers. E.g. setti...
So my Rainbow client seems to have developed a new undesired behavior: For no apparent reason, shortly after I start it, it changes the presence state to DND (Presenting) and never switches back. W...
This happens to me regularly. I click on the Rainbow Icon, and all I get to see is a completely white Window. The only thing I can do then is close the application and start it again. Let me know w...
Is there a sample outlining how you'd go through the OAuth authentication? There's a sample for JWT which I was able to adapt for my own code, but nothing for OAuth.
Is it me or is https://hub.openrainbow.com/api/admin/index.html#tag/Users-Companies empty? Shouldn't there be something there?
I have an on-prem application based on OTMS that we're considering moving to Rainbow. Having played around a bit with the NodeJs SDK and seeing how long it takes until you're ready to execute any c...
Could it be possible that the API documentation is outdated? E.g. when I log in, what I get as a result contains more properties than what the documentation lists.
Is there a way presence states can get stuck in the API? I was playing around with the SDKs, and all of a sudden, all my contacts except one return presence state offline, even though the respectiv...