Caroline CONNAN commented,
Hello Fazal, Baptiste, Thanks for your support and tips, I'm goint to try Rainbow Pilot tool and check the elements above. I'll make open a ticket is I need further analysis. Have a good day !
Caroline CONNAN created a post,
Hi all, We are currently experiencing the following problem within the company: sometimes the time to establish communication on rainbow is quite long (about fifteen seconds) while the physical pho...
Caroline CONNAN commented,
Solved, an "Any device association" was missing for this user.
Caroline CONNAN created a post,
Hi, We recently install the rainbow desktop application on a windows (v 2.139.17) and the user cannot make a call from the computer, only from the phone. I'm in the same enterprise, I have the same...
Caroline CONNAN commented,
Hi Ajith, Thanks for your help, it seems that adding an exception in the antivrus policy fix the issue. Have a great day ! Best regards,
Caroline CONNAN created a post,
Hi, We encounter an error since the upgrade to version 2.130.26 container 2.130.6 : when we try to call someone, a pop-up error appears saying "Something went wrong Rainbow can't access your camera...