Loic JEHANNO created a post,
hello, SDK NODE 1.48 When I call nodejs SDK getContactByJid the found contact has parameters differents of documentation . eq; a fullname with a right value and fullName empty etc... L...
Loic JEHANNO commented,
yes for all no error in browser logs
Loic JEHANNO created a post,
I'm using WEB SDK 1.47.0. I'm trying to switch camera, invoking WebRTC.useCamera(strCameraId), with no success when video call is established. Is it the normal behavior ? regards Loic
Loic JEHANNO created a post,
Hello, In WEB SDK, loginEmail is deprecated .What about emailPro ? Will be it maintain on the coming releases?
Loic JEHANNO commented,
I proceed a callIinAudio and when I release the call I have this message error ! Thu May 17 2018 11:05:53 | RTCWEB | MEDIA | releaseCall failure : videoService is not started
Loic JEHANNO created a post,
Hello, I can't release a webrtc call when the call is established, it's working when call is ringing! I have the issue with Safari on IOS 11.3.1, Rainbow SDK 1.40.6. Same application working well ...