Denis Simard commented,
Bonjour Cédric, Le problème a déjà été remonté et sera corrigé prochainement. En attendant, il existe une méthode pour rétablir la situation. Il s'agit de désactiver et réactiver la fonction de rec...
Denis Simard created a post,
In addition to the current conversation section. Could we add a new tab to get visual view of all contacts sorted per groups and/or departements? (Kind of Busy Lamp Field feature available in 4059EE)
Denis Simard created a post,
Could it be possible to keep access to chat sessions window during a screen sharing session? It is actually impossible to chat with the participant while the full screen mode is activated. We shoul...
Denis Simard created a post,
Would it be possible to add a tool or link to get access to Rainbow server logs for a specific equipment? The tool would be useful for our VAD and IR to be more reactive on customer requests/issues.
Denis Simard created a post,
Request to add a search tool to help user to retrieve specific topic in bubble discusions
Denis Simard created a post,
Add the mass provisioning option during Bubble creation. It would also be nice to add fields in main csv template to automatically add a user to a specific group/bubble during the add/change user.