Nanan Setiady commented,
Yes, the API SDK is still on version 1.40. My production app has SDK Version Target of 27, tested on devices with level 24 API (Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X, real device) and level 26 API (Nexus Emulator)....
Nanan Setiady created a post,
Ever since I migrated from Sandbox to Production platform (yes, the app has been deployed as well on Rainbow Developer Console, had received the notification email as well), I couldn't sign in into...
Nanan Setiady commented,
I also forgot to mention that I already included these permissions and added permission requesting methods only for microphone/audio recording since I only wanted to use Voice Call feature only. I ...
Nanan Setiady created a post,
I'm having problem with implementing webRTC SDK on my Android app. I have tried the sample webRTC app, and yes, the attempt to use the call didn't fail at all, but the contacts didn't appear after ...