Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi Konrad, Okay I will check this functionality on your next SDK release. Thanks for your support
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
I have gone through updated SDK methods, there I found rainbowSDK.bubbles.showActiveTalkerVideo(conferencesession) method call, Added this line inside RAINBOW_ONBUBBLECONFERENCETALKERACTIVE listene...
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi, Yes I've run that github code with my account, it initiates conference on both audio and video but still I could not find a way to achieve speaker view at the large video. Github example appli...
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hello Konrad, Upgraded to v1.78.0-beta.1 version, now it returns all the videos. But last version gave speaker(who is currently speaking) at the top of the video gallery. So it behaved like speak...
Sathya MANOHARAN created a post,
Hi Team, We are trying to do video conference using rainbow web SDK. On rainbowSDK.bubbles.RAINBOW_ONWEBCONFERENCEUPDATED event always returns videoGallery (i.e, conference.videoGallery[0] ) ...
Sathya MANOHARAN created a post,
Hello Support team, I have integrated rainbow SDK in an angular 8 application and it is working fine in development mode. But when I'm trying to deploy the production build to the server it is not ...
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi Christophe, Ok, I will check. Thanks for your support.
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi Cristophe, I copied that lines from previous post. Here below I put my sample code, ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;Rainbow.Application myApp = new Rainbow....
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi Christophe, Yes, I have this problem. When I debug this code, the debugger never came inside GetMessagesFromConversation code even in else portion as well. imMsglist.GetMessagesFromConversation(...
Sathya MANOHARAN commented,
Hi Christophe, Yes, I was put previous one response i will change this. but every time I check with the response return by the imMsglist.GetMessagesFromConversation i.e, callback3, I did't get a...