Nk CHAN created a post,
Is it possible to make a complete call from a WebRTC client to a telephone (via PBX on land)? I have tried to trigger a call using Telephony Service API. But it seems it is only for triggering call...
Nk CHAN commented,
Konrad I have broswed and use callbyNumber() for Telephony Service API. On phone side it can listen to Web user but can't verse vise. There is no API told how to obtain the media once the call is e...
Nk CHAN created a post,
I can enable Web-side audio by the below code const audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();console.log('Got stream with constraints:', constraints);console.log('Using audio device: ' + audioTracks[0...
Nk CHAN created a post,
Can I trigger several calls using the same account at the same time? Or I have to use 3 different account to call 3 calls if I need to trigger it at the same time?
Nk CHAN created a post,
How can I plug an encryption software into a Rainbow conversation to make it a secure conversation?